Automatic Horse Feeders

The HayBox is an equine feeding solution designed to save you time and money.

Welcome to The HayBox! We're here to help you better care for your horses with our automatic horse feeder. Our feeder reduces hay drop and waste, so your horses are getting the nutrition they need and you're saving money.

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Easy-To-Use Horse Feeder

The HayBox is easy to use, and you can schedule multiple feeding times to fit your schedule. Whether you've got a busy schedule or just want to make sure your horses are fed the right amount of hay at the right time, The HayBox has you covered. Plus, our automatic horse feeder is made from strong and durable materials that are designed to last.

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Support Horse Health

When it comes to feeding horses, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Meal feeding and prolonged fasting have been shown to lead to gastric ulcers, while free choice hay feeding can lead to obesity, insulin resistance and laminitis. The use of automated hay feeders can help to strike a balance by allowing for the timing of hay availability and limiting the amount of hay intake. This can help to control weight without compromising the health of the horse.

It's time to make horse care easier and more efficient with The HayBox horse feeder. Give us a call today to learn more about our horse feeder and find out how we can help your horse stay healthy, happy, and full all year round. Place your order today.
